ختان الإناث


أبحاث طبية عالمية ( باللغة الانجليزية) تؤكد ضرورة أجراء عملية ختان الأناث (الدرجة الأولى) في بعض الحالات..

وأن هذه العملية التجميليه تماثل عملية ختان السنه للاناث عند المسلمين

يورد المقال التالى – المنشور فى مجلة جراحة التجميل التعديلية الدولية عدد يناير 2000 -  الاضرار والمشاكل الاتية التى تنشىء عن وجود اجزاء زائدة فى هذه المنطقة :-

  • الالتهابات المزمنة فى هذه المنطقة لصعوبة تنظيف ماتحت الاجزاء الزائد .

  • الصعوبات والمشاكل التى تعوق العلاقة الزوجية الطبيعية .

  • التأثيرات الجنسية الجامحة بسبب الاحساس الدائم بهذه المنطقة وكذلك عند ارتداء الملابس  الداخلية الضيقة .

( ولذلك  تطلب النساء اجراء العملية التجميلية البسيطة لهن  للتخلص من هذه  الاضرار والمشاكل)

Plast Reconstr Surg. 2000 Jan;105(1):419-22; discussion 423-

A new method for aesthetic reduction of labia minora (the deepithelialized reduction of labioplasty).

Choi HY, Kim KT.

Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine at Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. choihy@hmc.hanyang.ac.kr

An enlarged labium minus can be bothersome for functional, aesthetic, and social reasons. Labia minora hypertrophy can be congenital or acquired by chronic irritation, exogenous androgenic hormones, or stretching with weights. This can cause inflammation, poor hygiene, interference with sexual intercourse

or intermittent urinary self-catheterization in myelodysplastic women. Aesthetically, an asymmetric or enlarged labium minus causes self-consciousness sexually and when the subject wears tight pants.

Previously, labia minora reduction was performed by amputation of the protuberant segment and oversewing the edge, or a wedge of protuberant labial tissue was excised and reapproximated. However, the former technique removes the natural contour and color of the edge of the labium minus, and the latter can result in an incomplete or tight reduction. Therefore, rather than an amputation or a wedge resection, we preserved the natural contour and anatomy of the labium minus by simply reducing its central width through bilateral deepithelialization and reapproximation of the central portion with preservation of the neurovascular supply to the edge. Six patients have undergone this reduction method with excellent results without specific Complications


استخدام الليزر فى اجراء هذه العملية التجميلية البسيطة ( يتضمن البحث 55 حالة تتراوح اعمارها بين 10- 55  سنة اجريت لها هذه العملية بهذه الطريقة ) فى سنتياجو بالولايات المتحدة .

Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006 Apr;93(1):38-43. Epub 2006 Mar 10

Laser labioplasty of labia minora.
Pardo J, Solŕ V, Ricci P, Guilloff E.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Las Condes Clinic, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile. Jack@mi.cl


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate laser labioplasty for the correction of hypertrophy and asymmetry of labia minora. METHODS: Between October 2003 and November 2004, 55 labioplasties were performed at the Clínica Las Condes

, Santiago, Chile. On the 60th postoperative day a questionnaire was presented to the patients, who were aged between 10 and 55 years,

to assess their acceptance of and satisfaction with the intervention. RESULTS: The primary indications for surgery were moderate hypertrophy with aesthetic and/or functional or impairment, or labial asymmetry (37 cases [67%]). Four patients (7%) experienced minimal suture dehiscence during the early postoperative period. Of the 55 patients, 50 (91%) were very satisfied, 5 (9%) were satisfied, and none were dissatisfied. CONCLUSIONS: Patients expressed a high degree of satisfaction with laser labioplasty, which can be combined with other surgical gynecologic interventions without increased complications.




بحث عن 163 حالة ( فرنسا ) تم اجراء هذه العمليات لهن بناء على طلبهن ( بين ســن 12 – 67 سنة ) للتخلص من الاضرار والمشاكل الناشئة عن وجود الاجزاء الزائدة .








يورد البحث تفصيلاً لاسلوب اجراء هذه العملية التجميلية البسيطة فى اسبانيا بطريقة تحقق افضل النتائج .

Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 May;113(6):1820-5; discussion 1826-7.
Central wedge nymphectomy with a 90-degree Z- plasty for aesthetic reduction of the labia minora
Giraldo F, González C, de Haro F.

Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Clinica Dr. Gálvez, C/San Agustín 2, Málaga 29010, Spain. Dr.fgiraldo@teleline.es


The labia minora or nymphae of the vulva are two cutaneous-mucosal refolds located between the labia majora, the internal aspect of which is separated by the interlabial cleft. The enlargement of the labia minora may be attributable to several factors, most commonly congenital. Although some women require surgical reduction for functional reasons, most seek reduction of their labia minora because of psychological concerns. The authors describe a modified plastic surgery procedure for functional and aesthetic reduction of the labia minora.




الاعتراف بأن العملية التجميلية لازالة الاجزاء الزائدة التى تجرى فى الخارج  تماثل تماماً (عملية ختان  الاناث التى تجرى فى الدول العربية والاسلامية منذ قرون طويلة ولا تزال تجرى فيها على نطاق واسع حتى الان )




Plast Reconstr Surg. 1984 Sep;74(3):414-6.

Aesthetic vaginal labioplasty.

Hodgkinson DJ, Hait G.

Labia minora that protrude past the labia majora are aesthetically and functionally unsatisfactory to some women. Historically, female circumcision has been practiced in Islamic/Arabic countries for many centuries and is still commonly practiced in these countries. Three case reports present middle-aged women who were dissatisfied with the size and protuberance of the labia minora, and an aesthetic labioplasty was performed in these three women. The technical aspects of this procedure are outlined, and a representative case with 3-month follow-up is presented pictorially.