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أكذوبة موت المخ

حالات افاقت من الغيبوبة بعد تشخيص موت المخ المزعوم



LifeSiteNews.com Friday February 15, 2008

Woman Diagnosed as "Brain Dead" Walks and Talks after Awakening  By Hilary White
LAKE ELMO, Minnesota, February 15, 2008 (LifeSiteNews.com) - 65-year-old Raleane "Rae" Kupferschmidt's relatives were told by doctors that she was "brain dead" after she had suffered a massive cerebral haemorrhage in mid-January, according to an Associated Press Report. Her family had taken her home to die and were in the process of grieving and planning her funeral when she awoke and was rushed back to hospital.  In accordance with her own wishes, doctors had removed Rae's breathing tube and were waiting for her to die. She was taken home from the hospital, and while friends and family gathered to say a last good bye, Kupferschmidt's daughter Lisa Sturm used an ice cube to wet her mother's dry lips. When her mother sucked on the ice cube, she thought it was only an instinctive reaction. She said, "I knew suckling is a very basic brain stem function, so I didn't get real excited. But when I did it again she just about sucked the ice cube out of my hand, and I looked at my aunt and said, 'Did you see that?'" "So I leaned down and asked, 'Mom... Mom, are you in there?'" Sturm said. "And when she shook her head and mouthed, 'Yes,' we all just about fell over." Rae was rushed back to the hospital and underwent surgery to drain the blood clot from her skull. After surgery, she recovered her strength and is now undergoing physical therapy and can walk with the aid of a walker. Doctors expect her to be walking on her own within weeks. Rae says she does not remember anything during her coma. "I still don't know what my task is here on this Earth, but I know God's not done with me yet. How else could you explain everything that has happened to me?" Rae said. She told family that she had seen angels in her room. "I said these angels are not here to take me home to my father. They're here to help me, to help me get over this.""Brain death" or "death by neurological criteria," is common media terminology for patients who are said to be in an irreversible coma, sometimes referred to as a "persistent vegetative state" (PVS) Physicians and bioethicists who support "brain death" criteria claim that such a diagnosis is reliable and means that a patient is beyond any hope of recovery.  Under new bioethics criteria, "brain death" can be used as a condition under which organs are removed from a patient while his heart is kept beating. Organ transplant requires that tissue be recovered from donors as close to physical death as possible and physicians are under heavy pressure to procure more organs. The fact that in some cases patients who have been unconscious, semi-conscious or severely neurologically disabled have been declared "brain dead" or "PVS" only to recover, has undermined public confidence in the medical system. In the US in 2006, Terry Wallis, who experienced a car wreck in 1984, woke unexpectedly and began to recover after 19 years in a minimally conscious state. In 2005 in Italy, Salvatore Crisafulli woke from a coma he had suffered for two years. He had been declared "nearly dead" by doctors after a serious auto accident that left him unresponsive. In Poland in 2007, a railway worker astonished his family and doctors when he awoke spontaneously after 19 years.Doctors at United Hospital said they are amazed by Rae Kupferschmidt's recovery. One told Good Morning America, "I've been here for ten years and I've never seen anything quite like this."
Rae told Good Morning America, "God's got something for me to do. When I learn it, I'll unfold it and follow it."


The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily  Monday 5 November 2007 (25 Shawwal 1428)

Woman Declared Brain Dead Now Starts to Speak
Muhammad Al-Homaid, Arab News

YANBU, 5 November 2007 — The Yanbu General Hospital yesterday announced a change in the condition of Fatima Rifaie, a 33-year-old Saudi woman who was declared brain dead following a medical error three months ago.

“My sister’s condition has improved considerably. She has begun recognizing and talking to relatives who come to visit her,” Eid Rifaie, Fateema’s brother, told Arab News yesterday. However, Eid added that it would take months before his sister returned to normalcy.

Fateema, who was a chronic asthma patient, went into a coma after she was allegedly administered a banned antibiotic on Aug. 3. The doctor who administered the injection, allegedly a Syrian, has been suspended.

Dr. Yaser Redwan, a heart consultant at Erfan and Saiedi General Hospital in Yanbu, later examined Fateema and said she was brain dead and that her heart had stopped as a result of the injection. He said that the delay in treating her after her condition worsened had resulted in brain atrophy that later left her brain dead. Redwan blamed the doctor for Fateema’s condition and said he had not tested to see whether the patient was allergic to the antibiotic.

Fateema was later transferred to King Fahd Hospital in Madinah. On Aug. 27, doctors reported that she was not brain dead but that she was in a coma. After an emergency surgery to revive her in Madinah, she was sent back to the Yanbu hospital to continue treatment



 Asharq Alawsat Newspaper


LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Doctors pronounced Ethan Myers brain dead after a car accident dealt the 9-year-old a severe brain injury in 2002. After he miraculously awoke from a nearly month-long coma, doctors declared he would never again eat on his own, walk or talk.

Yet, thanks partly to a video game system, Myers has caught up with his peers in school and even read a speech to a large group of students.

"I'm doing the exact same things as them. I'm getting buddies and stuff," said Myers, who had relearned to walk and was reading at a second-grade level before his video game therapy began in May 2004.

"I couldn't remember where I put stuff and now I can. I remember school stuff and people's names," he said in a telephone interview from his family's home in Colorado.

More fundamentally, Myers can now fully open his right hand, which paralysis had curled closed. His brother and sister, who were in the car with him during the accident and each suffered mild brain injuries, have also shown improvement in their memory and other functions.

Ethan and his parents attribute his most recent progress to neuro-feedback training on the Cyber Learning Technology LLC system, which is often used to play car racing video games. "In the last year, we've seen the Ethan we knew before the accident," said Howard Myers, the teenager's father.



DYING TO LIVE Defining death

Question of brain death can complicate the ethics of organ donation

Monday, November 15, 2004  By DAVE PARKS

News staff writer

The Florida woman was pronounced brain dead at UAB Hospital after suffering severe bleeding inside her head. Her family gave doctors permission to remove vital organs for transplant.  It was around midnight, and surgeries — for the donor and recipients — were scheduled the next morning, Sunday, Oct. 31. Meanwhile, the donor's body was kept on a ventilator and given drugs to maintain blood flow, all steps necessary to maintain organs for transplant. Then everybody waited. But the unexpected occurred. During the night, somebody in the intensive care unit saw the ventilator's light pop on, an indication the woman was breathing on her own and wasn't brain dead. An electroencephalogram, or EEG, picked up what appeared to be electric signals in her brain. The organ procurement was canceled, and everybody waited some more. Dr. Steve Bynon, a transplant surgeon at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, said the incident was unusual, but it showed that medical safeguards work. Organs are not taken from donors whose brains are still alive. "We just aren't an organ mill."



  On July 15, 2004, Christina Nichole went into a coma following one-time hypoglycemic episode. All of her organs went into failure and they told us that her brain was gravely deprived of oxygen. She was put on full life-support and declared globally brain damaged and brain dead except for a tiny spotty portion of the bottom of her brain stem. She developed Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), pneumonia, blood sepsis, Staph, and other life-threatening infections. Her prognosis was "NIL chance of recovery". On the sixth day her father and I were asked to allow them to turn off her life support machines. By this time she had somehow overcome the organ failures, ARDS, pneumonia, sepsis, and infections so we also had to consider organ donation from our 32 year old daughter's body. Her doctors told us that if we did not allow her to be 'let go' (killed from reduction/withdrawal of life support care) we would destine her to live the rest of her life in a persistent vegetative state with no 'quality of life'. Christina had responded to me for the first time that same morning by blinking her eyes ever so slightly on my command, so we did not believe their objective tests. We requested absolute proof of their diagnosis and prognosis with testing that we felt was the minimum of routine procedures in cases like this, an EEG, Cat Scan, and MRI. Our requests were flatly denied on the grounds that no further testing was warranted because her doctors 'already knew' what the tests would show them; that she was 'gone' and would never come back. They were wrong! We learned two years later that they had actually performed a Cat Scan that showed NORMAL results. Why did they refuse to tell us about the test and why did they continue to insist that we sign the euthanization papers, always telling us she was already dead? They LIED to us, over and over again, in masse. They were angry with us but we stood our ground... praise God! Judy

is a miracle to Life teen who was once 'brain dead'

Deseret News (Salt Lake City),  May 21, 2005  by Sara Israelsen Deseret Morning News

PROVO -- When Derek Maughan goes to get a burger, it's a big deal. Cruising to a local fast-food place may not seem like much to other 17-year-olds, but for this survivor it seems like a miracle.When he was 2 months old, Derek's skull was shattered in a car accident. Doctors declared him to be brain dead. However, the little boy's parent's didn't buy the initial prognosis, and 50 brain operations later, Derek is now a happy, healthy teen who just got his driver's license. Shortly after the accident and a helicopter ambulance trip to Primary Children's Medical Center, little Derek fell into a coma. While in the coma he developed a condition in which his blood wouldn't clot. He was still on the blood clotting medication when he came out of the coma only to develop a few weeks later a condition called hydrocephalus, a swelling of the brain caused by excess fluid. Doctors inserted a shunt to drain the fluids and he was finally able to go home. Soon, he was spending countless hours with therapists, neurosurgeons and neurologists. A new scare came on Derek's first birthday, when he began vomiting uncontrollably. His mother, Jan'a, rushed him to the hospital. An infection had developed in the shunt, and as a result the boy was scheduled for the first of a long series of surgeries. It's been a bumpy road, but Jan'a Maughan says it has been a road filled with miracles.



Independent.co.uk Online Edition: Home

Rail crash victim's `miracle' recovery

Independent on Sunday, The,  Mar 21, 2004  by Stephen Seawright in Hong Kong

A Hong Kong television journalist who was declared brain- dead after being critically injured in the Potter's Bar train crash has made a miraculous recovery and is finally hoping to return to work.  Two of Tanya Liu's friends died in the crash in May 2002. Ms Liu has spent the past two years in rehabilitation in a hospital in Beijing. She spent two months in a coma after the crash and was not able to stand up unaided until near the end of 2002. In the year after the crash, Ms Liu was operated on six times - twice for brain surgery.  Ms Liu's family claim that British doctors declared her braindead shortly after the crash. But the family sought a second opinion from a Beijing neurosurgeon, who flew to London and said she could recover. A month after the crash, Ms Liu's family transferred her to a hospital in the Chinese capital and in July 2002 she came out of the coma.  Seven people died when the last carriage of the train travelling from King's Cross to King's Lynn derailed at Potters Bar station.  Ms Liu's family claim that in the first few weeks after the crash, doctors at the Royal Free Hospital in north London urged them to allow her to die.  A spokesperson for the Royal Free said: "I can't comment on conversations between individuals, but some of these are not the kind of expressions doctors use in these situations. Brain injury is a highly complex area of medicine and one in which it is very difficult to predict the degree and course of any patient's recovery. Ms Liu suffered a very severe injury and we were very worried about her future prospects."


Anesthesiology: Volume 91(1) July 1999 pp 275-287

A Matter of Life and Death: What Every Anesthesiologist Should Know about the Medical, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Declaring Brain Death                 

 Van Norman, Gail A. MD

Case 3: An anesthesiologist requests that his/her department review the events surrounding a potential organ collection. A young woman receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate for pregnancy-induced hypertension suffered seizures several hours after vaginal delivery. After the seizures, she was unarousable and posturing. She was intubated after intravenous administration of 4 mg pancuronium, and a computed tomography scan showed coning, diffuse edema, and occipital lobe infarcts. A neurologist determined that the patient had suffered a "catastrophic neurologic event." Intravenous esmolol that was being infused to control blood pressure and heart rate was discontinued, and permission was obtained from the patient's family for the patient to become a vital organ donor. On the day of anticipated organ collection, the anesthesiologist found that the donor had small, reactive pupils, weak corneal reflexes, and a weak gag reflex. The esmolol infusion was reinstituted. Further review of the patient's chart showed the previous administration of pancuronium, and a serum magnesium level of 5.1 mEq/l, more than 2.5 times normal several hours after the magnesium infusion had been discontinued. After the anesthesiologist administered edrophonium 10 mg intravenously, the patient coughed, grimaced, and moved all extremities. Vital organ collection was canceled, and after consultation with a neurosurgeon, the patient underwent placement of an intracranial pressure monitor. Intracranial pressure was initially 18 cm H2 O and gradually decreased with therapy to 10 cm H2 O. The patient ultimately regained consciousness and was discharged home. She was alert and oriented but suffered from significant neurologic deficits. 


(USA Today, Feb. 14, 1989).

Another amazing case involving the recovery of one who was “brain dead” happened in December 1988. Barbara Blodgett, a 24-year-old Washington state woman who had been in a deep coma for more than five months, gave birth to a healthy baby boy and then came out of the coma and began making gradual progress toward recovery. When thirteen-weeks pregnant on June 30, 1988, Barbara was severely injured when the car she was riding in was struck by a drunk driver. Her cousin was killed in the crash and she suffered head injuries so severe that doctors proclaimed she was in a state of “cerebral death.” Yet by January 1989 she was asking questions, forming words, recognizing her family and friends, and helping in small ways to care for her newborn baby. Barbara spelled out the following message by pointing to letters on a piece of paper: “Never give up”



"Surprise for doctors - organ donor still alive"


 Orlando Sentinel, 9/29/90.

The Orlando Sentinel is the primary newspaper of the Orlando, Florida region. It was founded in 1876 and is currently in its 131st year of publication. The Sentinel is owned by Tribune Company and is overseen by the Chicago Tribune. As of 2005, the Sentinel's president and publisher is Kathleen Waltz.

Curt Coleman Clark

Doctors were about to remove the organs of a 22-year-old North Carolina man they thought had been killed in a traffic accident when his foot twitched. Curt was pronounced "brain dead" and his family agreed to donate his organs. But, after his foot moved, he was taken to the intensive care unit of Baptist Hospital in WinstonSalem where more signs of life were detected


الأهــرام بـريــد





‏السنة 132-العدد




‏2 من صفر 1429 هـ







موت جذع المخ‏..‏ حقيقة أم خرافة؟


رسالة من الدكتور حسام الدين مصطفي الرئيس الأسبق لجمعية جراحي المسالك البولية بأونتاريو في كندا


الموت ليس انقضاء الحياة فحسب‏,‏ وإنما هو منظومة بيولوجية معقدة حكمها هو حكم كل النظم البيولوجية‏,‏ فالموت مخلوق وليس انعدام شئ موجود ــ أي الحياة‏.‏ ويبدأ موت الانسان بتوقف الدورة الدموية وارتفاع الحامضية في أنسجة جسمه‏,‏ وما أن تصل هذه الحامضية إلى درجة معينة حتى تتكون أجسام داخل الخلية تسمى الليسوزومز وتحتوي على إنزيمات تحلل بروتينات الخلية‏,‏ وهذه الأجسام محاطة بغشاء يمنع خروج الأنزيمات إلا إذا زادت الحامضية إلى الحد الحرج الذي يصبح معه الغشاء غير ثابت‏,‏ حيث تخرج الإنزيمات وتبدأ في تحليل الخلية‏,‏ وهذا نظام حيوي دقيق مصمم إلهياً لتحويل الجسد البشري إلى العناصر الأولية المكونة له بعد خروج الروح‏,‏ ومن هنا يتضح أن القول بالموت الاكلينيكي هو تبسيط ساذج للموت‏.‏

وتختلف الأعضاء في درجة تحملها لانقطاع الدورة الدموية وارتفاع الحامضية‏,‏ فالمخ مثلاً أكثرها حساسية يتلوه الأعضاء الحيوية الأخرى كالقلب والرئتين والكلى والكبد‏,‏ وهذه أعضاء يستحيل الحياة دونها‏.‏ ولكن هناك أعضاء أخرى تظل حية لساعات طويلة قد تصل إلى‏6‏ ساعات تقريباً‏,‏ كما في حالة قرنية العين وأقل قليلاً كما في الجلد والعظام‏,‏ وهذه أعضاء ليست حيوية لبقاء الحياة‏,‏ ويمكن نزعها من الميت بعد موته اليقيني الذي لايختلف فيه اثنان‏,‏ وقد يكون في ذلك إشارة إلى اباحة نقل الأعضاء التي تحسن الحياة كالأعمى الذي يبصر والمحروق الذي تعالج والمحتاج إلى ترقيع عظام‏,‏ وهذا بالطبع يختلف عن نقل أعضاء تمنع الموت لفشل عضو حيوي مثل القلب أوالكبد أو الكلى‏..‏ ومن هنا يتضح أنه يجب التفرقة بين نقل الأعضاء مثل القرنية والجلد والعظام بعد الموت اليقيني بساعات‏,‏ وبين نقل أعضاء حيوية من مريض لم يمت بعد به دورة دموية من قلب ينبض وضغط دم وكلى تفرز وكبد تعمل.

‏إن تعريف الموت يجب أن يكون مجردا‏ًً,‏ بمعني أن يكون بغرض تعريف الموت دون أي هوى أو غرض أو هدف معين‏,‏ أما إحداث تعريف بغرض التمكن من انتزاع أعضاء حيوية مازالت حية‏,‏ فهو تعريف معيب فلسفياً لأنه تعريف له هوى معين وبالتالي لايعد تعريفاً‏.

فالموت هو توقف جميع الأعضاء الحيوية عن العمل لفترة تجعل من المستحيل عودتها للعمل ثانية ولايمكن القول بالموت لفشل عضو منها دون الباقي‏,‏ حتي وإن كان هذا العضو هو المخ أو جذع المخ‏.‏ والغريب في الأمر أن المريض الذي تفشل كليتاه يسمي مريض فشل كلوي والذي تفشل كبده يسمي مريض فشل كبدي والذي يهبط قلبه يسمي مريضاً بهبوط القلب‏,‏ أما المريض الذي يفشل جذع مخه فيسمى موت جذع المخ‏,‏ وكان الأحرى تسميته فشل جذع المخ‏,‏ وهكذا نجد أن الأمر مجرد تلاعب بالمسميات بهدف إلصاق كلمة الموت بما هو ليس بميت‏.

وقد تصدت الجمعية الطبية الكندية لهذا الأمر منذ عقود فأطلقت على هذا المريض اسم‏Artificially Arrested Death ‏ أي المريض الموقوفة وفاته اصطناعياً‏,‏ بمعني أنه إذا توقف الطب والأطباء عن التدخل لمنع الموت فإنه يحدث يقيناً‏.‏ هذا ما قيل‏,‏ ولكنه ليس بيقين‏.

إذ من المسلم به بين الأطباء إنه لايجب قبول تشخيص الموت إكلينيكياً أو وفاة جذع المخ في الأطفال وذلك لقدرة الجهاز العصبي فيهم على الإصلاح بما يجعل من الصعب الجزم بأن الموت الإكلينيكي قد حدث وأن التحسن مستحيل‏.‏

وأيا كانت الضوابط المحكمة لتقرير أن المخ قد مات وأن الحياة مستحيلة لو توقف التدخل فإن الخطأ وارد ــ
وأروي هنا حادثتين إحداهما كنت جزءًا منها والثانية كان أحد الثقات من أساتذة المسالك البولية جزءا منها‏,‏ فالأولي حدثت في مستشفى جامعي بإحدي الدول الصناعية السبع الكبري حينما أصيبت فتاة في الثانية والعشرين من عمرها في حادث سيارة ونتج عنه مايسمي بموت جذع المخ‏,‏ وقرر الوفاة اثنان من عظماء المتخصصين في أمراض الأعصاب بالعالم الغربي ووقعا شهادة الوفاة ووافق الأهل علي التبرع بالكليتين‏,‏ وقام الأستاذ رئيس القسم بانتزاع الكليتين وكنت أنا المساعد‏,‏ وما أن أنهي العملية حتي طلب مني غلق الجرح‏,‏ وفي هذا الوقت أخرج طبيب التخدير الأنبوبة الحنجرية التي تدخل الأكسجين عن طريق جهاز التنفس‏,‏ وبالتالي فإن المريضة‏(‏ أو الميتة‏)‏ تكون غير قادرة علي التنفس ويكون القلب قد توقف عن العمل في ظرف دقائق لانعدام الأكسجين‏,‏ ولكن ماحدث هو أنني لاحظت أن الجرح ينزف بعد‏20‏ دقيقة من رفع أنبوبة الأكسجين ووضعت يدي علي شريان الفخذ فإذا به ينبض بشكل واضح مما يدل يقينياً علي أن القلب يعمل‏,‏ ويدل أيضاً علي وصول الأكسجين إليه‏,‏ ولايمكن حدوث ذلك إلا إذا كان هناك تنفس ولو بسيطاً‏,‏ وظل هذا الأمر عشر دقائق أخري عاصرها الجراح المسئول وعاشها في رعب واضح‏,‏ وأخذ عليٍ عهداً بكتمان الأمر وكتمته لأكثر من ثلاثين عاما‏.‏ وإن دل هذا علي شئ فإنه يدل قطعاً علي أنه مهما كانت كفاءة المسئولين علي تقرير وفاة جذع المخ والضوابط الحاكمة فإن الخطأ وارد‏..‏ لقد حدث هذا في دولة من أعظم دول العالم وأرقاها‏,‏ فما بالك بما يمكن أن يحدث في دولة من دول العالم الثالث ينعدم فيها الانضباط ويستشري فيها الفساد‏.‏
الحادثة الأخري وقعت أيضاً في دولة غربية وكان جزءا منها زميلي الأستاذ الثقة‏,‏ حيث كان يساعد الجراح في عملية انتزاع الكليتين‏.‏ وما أن أتم الجراح عمله حتي رفع طبيب التخدير الأنبوبة الحنجرية‏,‏ وعندما حدث ذلك أخذ المريض شهقة عميقة‏,‏ مما يدل علي قدرته علي التنفس
‏,‏ وخطأ التشخيص بأن المريض قد مات اكلينيكيا‏,‏ ولولا حدوث نزيف شديد بعد انتزاع الكليتين من المريض لعاش بعد ذلك‏.

من هنا يتضح مدى خطورة اعتبار موت المخ بموت فالموت الحق هو توقف جميع الأعضاء الحيوية عن العمل لفترة تجعل من المستحيل عودتها للحياة ثانية مع برودة الجسم وتيبس العضلات واتجاه الدم ناحية الجاذبية‏,‏ وهذا يكون موتا يسمح بنزع القرنية والجلد وبعض العظام إذا وهبها المريض لآخرين أو أقر بها أهله بعد الوفاة‏,‏ أما نزع الأعضاء الحيوية والقلب ينبض فهو استئصال أعضاء من مريض سيموت غالباً وهو ليس بميت وقت الاستئصال‏.

وهكذا يكون تعريف الموت كما سبق ولايمكن أن يساق تعريف آخر بغرض التمكن من نزع الأعضاء‏,‏ وأنهي الحديث بسؤال أرجو أن يتصدى له فقهاء القانون الجنائي وشيوخ العدالة‏:‏ ماهو الوصف القانوني والاتهام الذي يوجه إلى متهم تسبب عمداً في وفاة جذع مخ المجني عليه الذي ظلت باقي أجهزته الحيوية تعمل لفترة من يوم واحد إلى عدة سنوات من خلال الأجهزة الطبية الحديثة‏..‏ هل يعاقب بتهمة الشروع في القتل أو الضرب المفضي إلى عاهة أم يعاقب بتهمة القتل أو الضرب المفضي إلى موت حسبما يتوافر القصد الجنائي الخاص؟ وهل يمكن معه ترتيب الآثار الشرعية من توريث وعدة زوجة‏..‏إلخ؟
{‏ تلقيت هذه الرسالة المهمة من الدكتور حسام الدين مصطفى الرئيس الأسبق لجمعية جراحي المسالك البولية بأونتاريو في كندا‏,‏ وزميل كلية الجراحين الملكية بلندن‏..‏ ونحن نفتح بها باب المناقشة حول هذه القضية الخطيرة‏,‏ فالموت هو انقطاع تعلق الروح بالبدن ومفارقتها الجسد‏,‏ ومن هنا يجب أن يكون الإقرار بالموت مبنياً على يقين لايقبل الشك أو الجدل‏..‏ والله هو المحيي وهو المميت وهو على كل شئ قدير‏