Owing to the evidence mentioned above
which includes; the
controversial nature of the concepts and
criteria defining brain death, the
difficulty in interpreting the tests in
the absence of available experts(60)
shortness of time available for
excluding reversible conditions of
death and the loose protocols
set as
such to meet the
scarcity of available organs.. owing to
all the above it could be presumed
the majority of cases diagnosed as
irremediable brainstem death do
not match the strict criteria of
brainstem death i.e. they are curable.
At the
end, it is evident that there are two
diverse entities based on two
different concepts that cannot be
reconciled namely :
Classical death
conforms with sonna and based on the
death is the departure of the
soul from the body verified
unmistakably by putrefaction (A person
is classified as "dying" until the
sure signs of death appear).
Brainstem death which rests on shakable
grounds assuming death
to be
"a state in which there is irreversible
loss of the capacity for
consciousness combined with irreversible
loss of the capacity to breathe
It thus remains for every one of
us to
choose what he believes is right.
Finally it
has to be remembered that life is a
donation from God. He
who created life informs us that life is the function of the soul. The
initiates and maintains life. It supplies the body with the "warmth of
life". This warmth is a unique
feature which discriminates between a
living body
and a corpse. The soul preserves the
body from decay and
putrefaction(64)The soul in the
human body is not "confined to one
or one system. It's a feature which
characterizes every single cell
in the
body and preserves its integrity and
function. It is this feature
is sought by organ harvesters, when they
rush to retrieve "viable
organs" from brainstem victims before
"real death" sets in. Sarcastically,
same feature of cellular life is the
one which is always overlooked
supporters of the concept of brain death
when they state that "the declaration of
death doesn't necessarily have to wait
until biological
is assured"(5).
Parliaments and
legislative assemblies easily passed
harvest legislation with little
organized objection because few
understand the processes except the
advertised idea of dead bodies being
used to save beautiful peoples lives.
But the reality is slowly
sinking in . It began when nurses and
doctors, after observing the reduced
care for donor candidates, began
privately advising their friends to
avoid signing donor cards. Then some
high level surgeons and specialists
withdrew in disgust positions involving
transplant procedures .
